powered by '50Webs Web Hosting'
Hosting Accounts

Budget Web Hosting Services

The shared web hosting firms undoubtedly vary from one another. Albeit having been in the shared web page hosting marketplace for years, not many hosting solution retailers offer numerous datacenter options for their valuable customers. Albeit its little proportions, '50Webs Web Hosting' offers FOUR exciting server farm facility places: the United States, Great Britain, Sweden and Australia. You can order domain-only accounts or Linux web hosting accounts in all of the above-described places.

Feature Overview Hosting
Monthly Charge
Disk Storage 0.5 GB
Internet Bandwidth 5 GB
CPU Limit 4.5%
Server RAM N/A
MySQL v.5 DBs -1
Hosted Hostnames 10
FTP Accounts 1
E-mails 100
Root Access
SSH Access Optional
One-click Script Installation Tool 2
Hepsia Control Panel
cPanel Control Panel

CPU Limit 1 - The CPU resource distribution is dependent on the concrete private virtual web server hosting account.

One-click Script Installation Tool 2 - Obtainable only with the Hepsia web hosting Control Panel.